Local Cultural Connections

Northern Tablelands Traditional Owners

Traditional Owner groups - Northern Tablelands

Contacting Traditional Owners

For an interactive map with spatial information and contact details, click on the icon below to access the National Native Title Vision mapping.

Within the Northern Tablelands Local Landscape there are 2 Traditional Owner groups. See below for a brief description of  each group’s connection to country or click on the links to access contact details for these groups.

  • Djabugay – native title rights and interests have been granted to the Djabugay people over land and waters within the Barron Gorge National Park near Kuranda.
  • Muluridji – the Muluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers the native title rights of the Muluridji people over land and waters to the west and north of Mareeba.


Traditional Owner groups across the Wet Tropics

For more Local Cultural Connections showing Traditional Owner groups in locations across the Wet Tropics, please click on the local landscape below.

Daintree Local Cultural ConnectionsDouglas Local Cultural ConnectionsCairns Local Cultural Connections
Russell and Mulgrave Catchments Local Cultural ConnectionsNorthern Tablelands Local Cultural ConnectionsSouthern Tablelands Local Cultural Connections
Northern Cassowary Coast Local Cultural ConnectionsSouthern Cassowary Coast Local Cultural ConnectionsUpper Herbert Local Cultural Connections
Hinchinbrook Local Cultural Connections