Local Cultural Connections

Southern Cassowary Coast Traditional Owners

Traditional Owner groups - Southern Cassowary Coast

Contacting Traditional Owners

For an interactive map with spatial information and contact details, click on the icon below to access the National Native Title Vision mapping.

National Native Title Vision map

There are 5 Traditional Owner groups in the Southern Cassowary Coast Local Landscape, as shown in the image to the right.  See below for a brief description of each group’s connection to country or click on the links to access contact details for these groups.

  • Mamu – The Mamu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land on behalf of the Mamu people. Their native title rights and interests were first recognised in 2013, with a determination granted over traditional lands stretching from Cooper Point in the north to North Maria Creek in the south.
  • Djiru – The Djiru Warrangburra Aboriginal Corporation administers land on behalf of the Djiru people. The Djiru people are recognised native title holders of 9,440 hectares of land and waters in Mission Beach and surrounding areas including areas of national parks, reserves, unallocated State land and other leases.
  • Gulngay – The Gulngay people are the Traditional Owners of country around Tully, extending from the coast, up the Tully River in the west, across the Murray River in the south and up to and including the Walter Hill Range in the north, and including the eastern sections of Tully Gorge National Park.
  • Girramay – The Girramay People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land on behalf of the Girramay people, who are the recognised native title holders over their traditional lands in and around the township of Cardwell.  Around 475 ha of land from Cardwell to Bilyana and Murray Upper area are included with the Girramay people’s native title determination.
  • Bandjin – The traditional lands and waters of the Bandjin people encompass Hinchinbrook Island and adjacent mainland and marine areas, in the southern part of the Wet Tropics region.


Traditional Owner groups across the Wet Tropics

For more Local Cultural Connections showing Traditional Owner groups in locations across the Wet Tropics, please click on the local landscape below.

Daintree Local Cultural ConnectionsDouglas Local Cultural ConnectionsCairns Local Cultural Connections
Russell and Mulgrave Catchments Local Cultural ConnectionsNorthern Tablelands Local Cultural ConnectionsSouthern Tablelands Local Cultural Connections
Northern Cassowary Coast Local Cultural ConnectionsSouthern Cassowary Coast Local Cultural ConnectionsUpper Herbert Local Cultural Connections
Hinchinbrook Local Cultural Connections

Traditional Owner Case Studies

Ecological Burning for Mahogany Glider Habitat

Click on the links below to find out how Girringun Rangers worked with the state Government and other partners to plan and implement controlled burns to reduce wildfire hazard and improve habitat for Mahogany Gliders around Cardwell.

The area had been severely impacted by Cyclone Yasi in 2012 and had not been burnt for over 5 years, resulting in the mid-stratum thickening and a decline in ground layer plants.  The area also provides habitat for the Mahogany Glider and Southern Cassowary.

With careful planning and preparation, controlled burns were successfully managed at these sites by Girringun Rangers and the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, providing a good balance between an ecological and a hazard mitigation burn.

Tame the Flame Lawson St East Tame the Flame Lawson St West
Tame the Flame Case Study, Lawson St East, Cardwell

Tame the Flame Case Study, Lawson St West, Cardwell

Tame the Flame