SCC: Trees on Farms
Protect existing trees on farms and support revegetation on less productive farm land. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Trees provide great value for farms, through minimising soil erosion, improving water quality, assisting in rodent control – as well as the many biodiversity benefits they provide through increased habitat and connectivity.
SCC: Protection and Management of Mahogany Glider Habitat
Actively manage fire, grazing and weeds in areas of existing Mahogany Glider habitat, to maintain or improve habitat quality for gliders and other species dependent on these forest types. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Active management of fire, grazing and weeds in Mahogany Glider habitat is critical to maintain the open forest structure and plant species […]
SCC: Minimising Impacts of Domestic Animals on Wildlife
Conduct community education and awareness raising about responsible pet ownership, in cooperation with local government. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Unrestrained domestic dogs and cats can cause a large number of deaths in wildlife and contribute to spreading diseases. Raising awareness within the community, as well as ensuring exisiting responsible pet ownership laws are followed, can […]
SCC: NRM Engagement with Youth
Develop programs to specifically engage youth in environmental, sustainability and agricultural fields. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Youth engagement is particularly important to keep the momentum going and ensure succession in agricultural and natural resource management fields.
SCC: Improving Water Quality
Install local treatment systems for water quality improvements, using the cane drainage network. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Local scale water treatment systems have been trialled in the Wet Tropics and show potential for reducing nutrient levels and improving water quality. There are opportunities to install treatment systems in areas with high nutrient levels, in conjunction […]
SCC: Self-sustaining Cultural Initiatives
Identify and develop programs to promote local cultural values, while also generating social and financial returns to local Indigenous communities. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Initiatives like cultural tourism provide great potential for self-sufficiency / self-sustainable management through increasing capacity and providing social, cultural and financial returns to local Indigenous communities. EXAMPLE OF LOCAL ACTION: Supporting […]
SCC: Healthy Wetlands
Encourage wetland restoration on private land to contribute to broader scale water quality and habitat improvements. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Healthy wetlands provide multiple benefits, including improving water quality, providing habitat and minimising impacts of flooding. Supporting landholders to strategically restore wetlands on private lands can have significant benefits across the region. EXAMPLE OF LOCAL […]
SCC: Connectivity Across the Landscape
Conduct restoration using a holistic landscape approach to connect habitats/remnants. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Revegetating to re-instate corridors can help improve landscape connectivity and ecological function and resilience. Revegetation along riparian areas can also benefit waterways, by shading creeks and lowering water temperatures, stabilising banks, improving water quality and shading weeds. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION: […]
SCC: Collaborative Biosecurity
Collaboratively conduct ongoing weed control in terrestrial and aquatic environments. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Working collaboratively with local government, Traditional Owners and local landholders will help achieve long-term and sustainable management of invasive weeds, minimising their impact on waterways and natural and agricultural systems. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION: Include and cooperate with local landholders and […]
SCC: Mahogany Glider Habitat Connectivity
Protect mature trees, restore vegetation and install glide poles in priority Mahogany Glider corridor locations to allow greater movement of gliders across the landscape. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The remaining habitat available to support Mahogany Glider populations is fragmented and isolated. Protecting this remnant habitat is vital, and facilitating movement of isolated glider populations between […]
SCC: Alternative / Complementary Fertilisers
Investigate fertiliser options that provide environmental and economic / production benefits. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Reducing reliance on traditional fertilisers and investigating effective alternatives can build resilience in farming systems and result in improvements in water quality, while still delivering productivity outcomes.
SCC: Agricultural Best Management Practices
Support voluntary uptake and implementation of best management practices in agricultural industries. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Working with landholders to support voluntary implementation of best management practices can provide better outcomes than regulations. It can build on existing good relationships and partnerships and reduce hurdles for people to do good work.
SCC: Protecting Cassowaries
Protect and expand cassowary habitat and minimise threats to the species. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Cassowaries play a crucial role in rainforest diversity and they are currently listed as endangered. Only 20-25% of their original habitat remains and it is highly fragmented. Protecting and connecting remaining habitat is vital for sustaining remaining populations. Apart from […]
SCC: Feral Pig Eradication
Conduct comprehensive and ongoing feral pig management, using a combination of approaches for increased impact. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Pigs cause extensive damage to ecosystems and agricultural industries. They are a biosecurity risk, with the potential to destroy local industries eg. spreading Panama Disease. Current control methods are not sufficient to deal with the problem. […]
SCC: Fish Highways
Remove barriers to fish movement in coastal areas to improve fish passage to feeding and breeding areas. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The extensive fish habitat areas in estuarine areas surrounding the lower Murray and along the coast are very important for fish productivity, encompassing a large range of habitats. Barriers to fish passage could include […]
SCC: Community Involvement in Protected Area Management
Support community engagement, ownership and active participation in management of protected estates, such as the World Heritage Area. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Local communities can enhance a World Heritage declaration when actively involved. It improves lifestyle through pride of being a custodian of extraordinary land.
SCC: NRM Champions
Raise the profile of good environmental work that is happening. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Many landholders, community groups and industry organisations are achieving great natural resource management outcomes and making a significant contribution to the health of our natural assets. Sharing details about successful projects and initiatives acknowledges the efforts of those involved, inspires others […]
SCC: Healthy Waterways
Conduct riparian restoration (weed control, revegetation) to improve water quality, habitat condition and aquatic connectivity. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Healthy waterways contribute to healthy ecosystems and clean water to the Great Barrier Reef. Managing aquatic weeds and in-stream and riparian habitat can significantly improve the ecological function and value of waterways. Stable creek beds with […]
NRM Partnerships for Knowledge Sharing
Establish cooperative partnerships between NRM stakeholders to share knowledge and resources. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Partnerships can increase opportunities, motivation and capacity of individual groups and people. Making the most of local knowledge and sharing between groups (eg. community groups, councils, schools) is an effective way to build capacity and skills and increase the impact […]
Mangrove Protection and Restoration
Increase restoration and protection of coastal and mangrove ecosystems, including Trinity Inlet. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Mangroves play a major role in carbon sequestration and mitigation of effects from rising sea levels and catastrophic weather events. Coastal areas also provide important fish habitat and breeding areas. The urban proximity to our coastal habitats and the […]
Diversifying for Economic and Environmental Outcomes
Investigate options for improving the environmental values of unproductive agricultural land and diversifying economic opportunities. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Improving land and water quality can give an increase in biodiversity and open up other economic opportunities = increasing health of country and people. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION Create a demonstration farm that showcases all the […]
Country Based Planning and Management
Support development and implementation of Country Based Plans to support the unique natural and cultural values of local places within our region. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Country based planning uses a strengths based approach, incorporating local knowledge to identify and develop solutions at a local management area level. Country based plans can support a strategic […]
Protection and Management of Cairns Central Swamp
Conduct weed control, replanting, habitat protection and maintenance in Cairns Central Swamp. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Cairns Central Swamp has important biodiversity values and plays a vital role in reducing the risks and impacts of flooding. Working in collaboration, community groups and local government can share resources and equipment to maintain this important area.
Traditional Owner Regional Agreements
Review regional agreements for the Wet Tropics to support cooperative management of country. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT Continuing to review, refine and support the Wet Tropics Regional Agreement ensures ongoing cooperative management of the Wet Tropics with Traditional Owners. This process results in increased participation by Traditional Owners in all aspects of decision making and […]
Cultural Indicators to Inform Management
Develop a framework to incorporate cultural indicators to inform natural resource management. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Incorporating people and culture in environmental management strategies can result in improved environmental and social outcomes. Cultural priorities can complement and strengthen economic and environmental outcomes. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION Incorporate cultural outcomes and considerations into existing programs eg. […]
Cultural Fire Credits
Develop and support involvement in environmental markets with cultural outcomes. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Environmental markets can provide sustainable income generation as well as social, cultural and environmental outcomes.
Traditional Owner Involvement in NRM
Establish meaningful partnerships with Traditional Owners to support active participation in all aspects of natural resource management, for improved natural and cultural outcomes. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Local Traditional Owners hold many thousands of years of traditional ecological knowledge in their stories and culture and their contribution to natural resource management can be significant. Incorporating […]
Building Capacity in Traditional Owner Groups
Support access to training and skills development programs to build capacity in local Traditional Owner communities and expand employment opportunities. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Investing in training and skills development provides opportunities for Traditional Owners to contribute meaningfully to working on Country, with environmental, social and cultural outcomes. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION Expand Traditional Owner […]
Novel Projects and Innovative Ideas
Provide funding to support innovation programs that investigate and test unique approaches to complex issues. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Some of the most needed actions and outcomes do not easily fit into the usual criteria for funding applications. Supporting and trialing innovative ideas and finding new approaches can result in solutions to complex issues.
Smart Green Economy
Conduct environmental projects with economic benefits, such as carbon farming, Reef and Biodiversity Credits, utilising compost in landscape or Waste to Energy (byproducts to fuel). WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Smart green projects can benefit the economy as well as the environment. Our region is well-placed to think outside the square and take advantage of these […]
Catchment Management Plans
Complete catchment management plans for Saltwater Creek, Fearnley Creek Drain and others in coastal locations to identify and mitigate climate change impacts. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Rising sea levels and an increase in adverse weather conditions could threaten urban and rural locations with inundations. Natural solutions, like riparian revegetation and stabilisation, can help mitigate impacts.
Managing Biodiversity Under a Changing Climate
Increase understanding of the impacts of climate change on natural systems and identify appropriate management actions. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Changing climatic conditions will create additional threats to natural systems, which are already at risk from declining condition and extent. New reference points and decision frameworks for restoration may be required, which factor in climate […]
Climate Change Adaptation
Build resilience to climate change through natural solutions like plantings, greening cities, restoring corridors and utilising traditional land management knowledge. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Climate change adaptation strategies can build resilience and minimise impacts of severe weather events. Many local governments in coastal areas in the Wet Tropics have completed Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategies. Actions […]
Climate Change Mitigation
Identify and implement actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for climate change mitigation in the Wet Tropics. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? While climate change adaptation strategies are critical to build resilience to the inevitable effects of climate change, reducing emissions is vital if the amount of change globally and within our region is to be […]
Comprehensive and Continuous Biosecurity
Establish biosecurity protocols to allow rapid response to evolving pest species, avoid new species establishing and manage the impact of existing pests. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Comprehensive and continuous biosecurity measures are required to quickly identify new potential pests and conduct control measures before they become a major problem. Ongoing awareness and cooperative management programs […]
Aquatic Habitat Restoration
Restore and protect aquatic habitats and stream-beds, for fish homes and passage. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Many fish stocks are in decline due to a range of threats. Making sure that spawning grounds are accessible will support sustainable fish populations. Many other semi-aquatic species, like platypus and turtles, will also benefit from healthier aquatic habitats […]
Corridors and Connectivity
Identify and prioritise key riparian and wildlife corridor sites for protection and restoration. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Funding and resources for restoration work is limited. Prioritising locations for restoration, across all tenures, can make the most of these limited resources and ensure the best biodiversity outcomes. Biodiversity corridors allow animals and plant species to move […]
Improving Water Quality
Conduct awareness and education campaigns about potential off-site impacts of chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides and medications. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Inappropriate use and disposal of chemicals and medication can affect water quality and result in secondary poisoning of animals. Raising awareness of the impacts of residual or accumulated medication or chemicals in water can reduce […]
Healthier Waterways
Conduct riparian restoration to improve the health of waterways. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Healthy waterways can support healthier landscapes and ecosystems. Wide riparian zones of native vegetation can help improve water quality, reduce weeds and provide biodiversity outcomes. EXAMPLE of LOCAL ACTION Advocate for protection/establishment of wider riparian zones in council planning.
Community Group Coordination
Provide funding for paid community group coordinators to support the work of community volunteers and improve collaboration with other stakeholders. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Community groups achieve significant outcomes for natural resource management across the region. Funding for paid coordinators for groups provides continuity of work and momentum, without disruption from changes in funding priorities. […]
Supporting Management of Threatened Species
Protect habitat across all tenures and minimise threats to threatened species, including the Spectacled Flying Fox, Kuranda Tree Frog and Southern Cassowary. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Climate change is increasing the pressure on species and ecosystems that already face significant threats. Urban development in our area threatens wildlife populations with habitat loss, road kills and […]
Habitat Management and Protection
Protect and restore the diversity of habitats in our region to support a range of species, including migratory birds and endemic or threatened species. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Our region is one of the most ecologically diverse in the world, with internationally important wetlands and World Heritage listed forests. Existing habitats, including wetlands, forests, waterways […]
CNS: Healthy Waterways
Increase width of riparian zone in planning. Respecting the landscape, strengthening ecosystems and improving waterway health. EXAMPLE OF LOCAL ACTION: Advocate for wider boundaries at riverbanks in council planning.
Protect Areas of Statewide Biodiversity Significance
Increase protection of areas identified as having high biodiversity significance and conduct restoration to strengthen and expand these areas. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? The forests around Kuranda are identified as having State Biodiversity Significance. The area is within the narrowest east-west section of the Wet Tropics region corridor, forming a biodiversity bottleneck between the northern […]
Education, Awareness and Capacity
Conduct education and community engagement programs to increase participation, while supporting local groups to build capacity. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? An educated community can better identify priorities and advocate for changes. Education and awareness requires a relatively small effort for potentially large outcomes. Engaging and involving youth is important to help spread the message throughout […]
RM: Pest and Weed Control
Conduct comprehensive management programs for high priority aquatic and land-based pests and weeds, including new or evolving species. Why is it important? Invasive species are a major threat to native flora and fauna. Eradicating or managing pests is an important part of biodiversity conservation, protection and restoration. There are also significant impacts on agricultural industries […]
RM: Secure Funding and Resources
Ensure sufficient funding and resources are available to allow grass roots community organisations to continue their work. Why is it important? Secure funding and resources allows for more effective groups and greater scale and impact, as well as ongoing community engagement and project activities. More secure resourcing allows for longer term planning and a more […]
RM: Waterway and Wetland Restoration
Restore and revegetate river and creek banks to achieve biodiversity, water quality and biosecurity outcomes. Why is it important? Riparian revegetation can keep water temperature down and dissolved oxygen levels up and change hot farm drains to biodiversity corridors. Revegetation also helps filter chemical or farm runoff, avoids erosion and sediment run-off. Restoration can help […]
RM: Community Engagement and Education
Provide support for environmental education programs in the Russell Mulgrave area to increase the level of community engagement. Why is it important? Involvement and support from the community will increase the reach and effectiveness of projects. A school education program/centre can engage with younger generations, who will be the future of the region in politics, […]
RM: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Conduct restoration to improve resilience of natural and agricultural areas to threats, including climate change. Why is it important? Our ecosystems and native wildlife are already at risk from a range of threats, including fragmentation, pests and weeds and now climate change. Restoration can improve resilience to these threats, as well as restore connectivity and […]
SCC: Trees on Farms
Protect existing trees on farms and support revegetation on less productive farm land. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Trees provide great value for farms, through minimising soil erosion, improving water quality, assisting in rodent control – as well as the many biodiversity benefits they provide through increased habitat and connectivity.
SCC: Protection and Management of Mahogany Glider Habitat
Actively manage fire, grazing and weeds in areas of existing Mahogany Glider habitat, to maintain or improve habitat quality for gliders and other species dependent on these forest types. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Active management of fire, grazing and weeds in Mahogany Glider habitat is critical to maintain the open forest structure and plant species […]
SCC: Minimising Impacts of Domestic Animals on Wildlife
Conduct community education and awareness raising about responsible pet ownership, in cooperation with local government. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Unrestrained domestic dogs and cats can cause a large number of deaths in wildlife and contribute to spreading diseases. Raising awareness within the community, as well as ensuring exisiting responsible pet ownership laws are followed, can […]
SCC: NRM Engagement with Youth
Develop programs to specifically engage youth in environmental, sustainability and agricultural fields. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Youth engagement is particularly important to keep the momentum going and ensure succession in agricultural and natural resource management fields.
SCC: Improving Water Quality
Install local treatment systems for water quality improvements, using the cane drainage network. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Local scale water treatment systems have been trialled in the Wet Tropics and show potential for reducing nutrient levels and improving water quality. There are opportunities to install treatment systems in areas with high nutrient levels, in conjunction […]
SCC: Self-sustaining Cultural Initiatives
Identify and develop programs to promote local cultural values, while also generating social and financial returns to local Indigenous communities. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Initiatives like cultural tourism provide great potential for self-sufficiency / self-sustainable management through increasing capacity and providing social, cultural and financial returns to local Indigenous communities. EXAMPLE OF LOCAL ACTION: Supporting […]
SCC: Healthy Wetlands
Encourage wetland restoration on private land to contribute to broader scale water quality and habitat improvements. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Healthy wetlands provide multiple benefits, including improving water quality, providing habitat and minimising impacts of flooding. Supporting landholders to strategically restore wetlands on private lands can have significant benefits across the region. EXAMPLE OF LOCAL […]
SCC: Connectivity Across the Landscape
Conduct restoration using a holistic landscape approach to connect habitats/remnants. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Revegetating to re-instate corridors can help improve landscape connectivity and ecological function and resilience. Revegetation along riparian areas can also benefit waterways, by shading creeks and lowering water temperatures, stabilising banks, improving water quality and shading weeds. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION: […]
SCC: Collaborative Biosecurity
Collaboratively conduct ongoing weed control in terrestrial and aquatic environments. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Working collaboratively with local government, Traditional Owners and local landholders will help achieve long-term and sustainable management of invasive weeds, minimising their impact on waterways and natural and agricultural systems. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION: Include and cooperate with local landholders and […]
SCC: Mahogany Glider Habitat Connectivity
Protect mature trees, restore vegetation and install glide poles in priority Mahogany Glider corridor locations to allow greater movement of gliders across the landscape. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The remaining habitat available to support Mahogany Glider populations is fragmented and isolated. Protecting this remnant habitat is vital, and facilitating movement of isolated glider populations between […]
SCC: Alternative / Complementary Fertilisers
Investigate fertiliser options that provide environmental and economic / production benefits. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Reducing reliance on traditional fertilisers and investigating effective alternatives can build resilience in farming systems and result in improvements in water quality, while still delivering productivity outcomes.
SCC: Agricultural Best Management Practices
Support voluntary uptake and implementation of best management practices in agricultural industries. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Working with landholders to support voluntary implementation of best management practices can provide better outcomes than regulations. It can build on existing good relationships and partnerships and reduce hurdles for people to do good work.
SCC: Protecting Cassowaries
Protect and expand cassowary habitat and minimise threats to the species. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Cassowaries play a crucial role in rainforest diversity and they are currently listed as endangered. Only 20-25% of their original habitat remains and it is highly fragmented. Protecting and connecting remaining habitat is vital for sustaining remaining populations. Apart from […]
SCC: Feral Pig Eradication
Conduct comprehensive and ongoing feral pig management, using a combination of approaches for increased impact. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Pigs cause extensive damage to ecosystems and agricultural industries. They are a biosecurity risk, with the potential to destroy local industries eg. spreading Panama Disease. Current control methods are not sufficient to deal with the problem. […]
SCC: Fish Highways
Remove barriers to fish movement in coastal areas to improve fish passage to feeding and breeding areas. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The extensive fish habitat areas in estuarine areas surrounding the lower Murray and along the coast are very important for fish productivity, encompassing a large range of habitats. Barriers to fish passage could include […]
SCC: Community Involvement in Protected Area Management
Support community engagement, ownership and active participation in management of protected estates, such as the World Heritage Area. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Local communities can enhance a World Heritage declaration when actively involved. It improves lifestyle through pride of being a custodian of extraordinary land.
SCC: NRM Champions
Raise the profile of good environmental work that is happening. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Many landholders, community groups and industry organisations are achieving great natural resource management outcomes and making a significant contribution to the health of our natural assets. Sharing details about successful projects and initiatives acknowledges the efforts of those involved, inspires others […]
SCC: Healthy Waterways
Conduct riparian restoration (weed control, revegetation) to improve water quality, habitat condition and aquatic connectivity. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Healthy waterways contribute to healthy ecosystems and clean water to the Great Barrier Reef. Managing aquatic weeds and in-stream and riparian habitat can significantly improve the ecological function and value of waterways. Stable creek beds with […]
NRM Partnerships for Knowledge Sharing
Establish cooperative partnerships between NRM stakeholders to share knowledge and resources. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Partnerships can increase opportunities, motivation and capacity of individual groups and people. Making the most of local knowledge and sharing between groups (eg. community groups, councils, schools) is an effective way to build capacity and skills and increase the impact […]
Mangrove Protection and Restoration
Increase restoration and protection of coastal and mangrove ecosystems, including Trinity Inlet. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Mangroves play a major role in carbon sequestration and mitigation of effects from rising sea levels and catastrophic weather events. Coastal areas also provide important fish habitat and breeding areas. The urban proximity to our coastal habitats and the […]
Diversifying for Economic and Environmental Outcomes
Investigate options for improving the environmental values of unproductive agricultural land and diversifying economic opportunities. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Improving land and water quality can give an increase in biodiversity and open up other economic opportunities = increasing health of country and people. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION Create a demonstration farm that showcases all the […]
Country Based Planning and Management
Support development and implementation of Country Based Plans to support the unique natural and cultural values of local places within our region. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Country based planning uses a strengths based approach, incorporating local knowledge to identify and develop solutions at a local management area level. Country based plans can support a strategic […]
Protection and Management of Cairns Central Swamp
Conduct weed control, replanting, habitat protection and maintenance in Cairns Central Swamp. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Cairns Central Swamp has important biodiversity values and plays a vital role in reducing the risks and impacts of flooding. Working in collaboration, community groups and local government can share resources and equipment to maintain this important area.
Traditional Owner Regional Agreements
Review regional agreements for the Wet Tropics to support cooperative management of country. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT Continuing to review, refine and support the Wet Tropics Regional Agreement ensures ongoing cooperative management of the Wet Tropics with Traditional Owners. This process results in increased participation by Traditional Owners in all aspects of decision making and […]
Cultural Indicators to Inform Management
Develop a framework to incorporate cultural indicators to inform natural resource management. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Incorporating people and culture in environmental management strategies can result in improved environmental and social outcomes. Cultural priorities can complement and strengthen economic and environmental outcomes. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION Incorporate cultural outcomes and considerations into existing programs eg. […]
Cultural Fire Credits
Develop and support involvement in environmental markets with cultural outcomes. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Environmental markets can provide sustainable income generation as well as social, cultural and environmental outcomes.
Traditional Owner Involvement in NRM
Establish meaningful partnerships with Traditional Owners to support active participation in all aspects of natural resource management, for improved natural and cultural outcomes. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Local Traditional Owners hold many thousands of years of traditional ecological knowledge in their stories and culture and their contribution to natural resource management can be significant. Incorporating […]
Building Capacity in Traditional Owner Groups
Support access to training and skills development programs to build capacity in local Traditional Owner communities and expand employment opportunities. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Investing in training and skills development provides opportunities for Traditional Owners to contribute meaningfully to working on Country, with environmental, social and cultural outcomes. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL ACTION Expand Traditional Owner […]
Novel Projects and Innovative Ideas
Provide funding to support innovation programs that investigate and test unique approaches to complex issues. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Some of the most needed actions and outcomes do not easily fit into the usual criteria for funding applications. Supporting and trialing innovative ideas and finding new approaches can result in solutions to complex issues.
Smart Green Economy
Conduct environmental projects with economic benefits, such as carbon farming, Reef and Biodiversity Credits, utilising compost in landscape or Waste to Energy (byproducts to fuel). WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Smart green projects can benefit the economy as well as the environment. Our region is well-placed to think outside the square and take advantage of these […]
Catchment Management Plans
Complete catchment management plans for Saltwater Creek, Fearnley Creek Drain and others in coastal locations to identify and mitigate climate change impacts. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Rising sea levels and an increase in adverse weather conditions could threaten urban and rural locations with inundations. Natural solutions, like riparian revegetation and stabilisation, can help mitigate impacts.
Managing Biodiversity Under a Changing Climate
Increase understanding of the impacts of climate change on natural systems and identify appropriate management actions. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Changing climatic conditions will create additional threats to natural systems, which are already at risk from declining condition and extent. New reference points and decision frameworks for restoration may be required, which factor in climate […]
Climate Change Adaptation
Build resilience to climate change through natural solutions like plantings, greening cities, restoring corridors and utilising traditional land management knowledge. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Climate change adaptation strategies can build resilience and minimise impacts of severe weather events. Many local governments in coastal areas in the Wet Tropics have completed Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategies. Actions […]
Climate Change Mitigation
Identify and implement actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for climate change mitigation in the Wet Tropics. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? While climate change adaptation strategies are critical to build resilience to the inevitable effects of climate change, reducing emissions is vital if the amount of change globally and within our region is to be […]
Comprehensive and Continuous Biosecurity
Establish biosecurity protocols to allow rapid response to evolving pest species, avoid new species establishing and manage the impact of existing pests. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Comprehensive and continuous biosecurity measures are required to quickly identify new potential pests and conduct control measures before they become a major problem. Ongoing awareness and cooperative management programs […]
Aquatic Habitat Restoration
Restore and protect aquatic habitats and stream-beds, for fish homes and passage. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Many fish stocks are in decline due to a range of threats. Making sure that spawning grounds are accessible will support sustainable fish populations. Many other semi-aquatic species, like platypus and turtles, will also benefit from healthier aquatic habitats […]
Corridors and Connectivity
Identify and prioritise key riparian and wildlife corridor sites for protection and restoration. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Funding and resources for restoration work is limited. Prioritising locations for restoration, across all tenures, can make the most of these limited resources and ensure the best biodiversity outcomes. Biodiversity corridors allow animals and plant species to move […]
Improving Water Quality
Conduct awareness and education campaigns about potential off-site impacts of chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides and medications. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Inappropriate use and disposal of chemicals and medication can affect water quality and result in secondary poisoning of animals. Raising awareness of the impacts of residual or accumulated medication or chemicals in water can reduce […]
Healthier Waterways
Conduct riparian restoration to improve the health of waterways. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Healthy waterways can support healthier landscapes and ecosystems. Wide riparian zones of native vegetation can help improve water quality, reduce weeds and provide biodiversity outcomes. EXAMPLE of LOCAL ACTION Advocate for protection/establishment of wider riparian zones in council planning.
Community Group Coordination
Provide funding for paid community group coordinators to support the work of community volunteers and improve collaboration with other stakeholders. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Community groups achieve significant outcomes for natural resource management across the region. Funding for paid coordinators for groups provides continuity of work and momentum, without disruption from changes in funding priorities. […]
Supporting Management of Threatened Species
Protect habitat across all tenures and minimise threats to threatened species, including the Spectacled Flying Fox, Kuranda Tree Frog and Southern Cassowary. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Climate change is increasing the pressure on species and ecosystems that already face significant threats. Urban development in our area threatens wildlife populations with habitat loss, road kills and […]
Habitat Management and Protection
Protect and restore the diversity of habitats in our region to support a range of species, including migratory birds and endemic or threatened species. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Our region is one of the most ecologically diverse in the world, with internationally important wetlands and World Heritage listed forests. Existing habitats, including wetlands, forests, waterways […]
CNS: Healthy Waterways
Increase width of riparian zone in planning. Respecting the landscape, strengthening ecosystems and improving waterway health. EXAMPLE OF LOCAL ACTION: Advocate for wider boundaries at riverbanks in council planning.
Protect Areas of Statewide Biodiversity Significance
Increase protection of areas identified as having high biodiversity significance and conduct restoration to strengthen and expand these areas. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? The forests around Kuranda are identified as having State Biodiversity Significance. The area is within the narrowest east-west section of the Wet Tropics region corridor, forming a biodiversity bottleneck between the northern […]
Education, Awareness and Capacity
Conduct education and community engagement programs to increase participation, while supporting local groups to build capacity. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? An educated community can better identify priorities and advocate for changes. Education and awareness requires a relatively small effort for potentially large outcomes. Engaging and involving youth is important to help spread the message throughout […]
RM: Pest and Weed Control
Conduct comprehensive management programs for high priority aquatic and land-based pests and weeds, including new or evolving species. Why is it important? Invasive species are a major threat to native flora and fauna. Eradicating or managing pests is an important part of biodiversity conservation, protection and restoration. There are also significant impacts on agricultural industries […]
RM: Secure Funding and Resources
Ensure sufficient funding and resources are available to allow grass roots community organisations to continue their work. Why is it important? Secure funding and resources allows for more effective groups and greater scale and impact, as well as ongoing community engagement and project activities. More secure resourcing allows for longer term planning and a more […]
RM: Waterway and Wetland Restoration
Restore and revegetate river and creek banks to achieve biodiversity, water quality and biosecurity outcomes. Why is it important? Riparian revegetation can keep water temperature down and dissolved oxygen levels up and change hot farm drains to biodiversity corridors. Revegetation also helps filter chemical or farm runoff, avoids erosion and sediment run-off. Restoration can help […]
RM: Community Engagement and Education
Provide support for environmental education programs in the Russell Mulgrave area to increase the level of community engagement. Why is it important? Involvement and support from the community will increase the reach and effectiveness of projects. A school education program/centre can engage with younger generations, who will be the future of the region in politics, […]
RM: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Conduct restoration to improve resilience of natural and agricultural areas to threats, including climate change. Why is it important? Our ecosystems and native wildlife are already at risk from a range of threats, including fragmentation, pests and weeds and now climate change. Restoration can improve resilience to these threats, as well as restore connectivity and […]