Walking the Landscape

Catchment Profile Story Maps

Follow the links below to the interactive Story Map for each catchment.  Find maps, detailed catchment information, management considerations and more.


Barron Catchment Profile Story Map
Cairns Urban 

Cairns Urban Area
Daintree Catchment

Daintree Catchment Profile Story Map
Lower Herbert Catchment

Herbert Catchment Profile Story Map
Lower Johnstone Catchment

Johnstone Catchment Profile Story Map
Mossman Catchment

Mossman Catchment Profile Story Map
Mulgrave Catchment

Mulgrave Catchment Profile Story Map
Russell Catchment

Russell Catchment Profile Story Map

Tully Catchment Profile Story Map

The Walking the Landscape process takes its name from the facilitated workshop process, which brings experts together to systematically ‘walk the landscape’ of an area, resulting in a whole-of-system understanding and collective, targeted solutions to issues.

Walking the Landscape incorporates existing data with diverse knowledge on landscape components and processes, both natural and human, using water flows as the focus.  This data is then presented in a simple, accessible format with interactive mapping systems for spatial analysis.

The end result is a whole-of-landscape understanding of the catchment, which is widely accessible, allowing for improved NRM decision making.

Walking the Landscape: Wet Tropics

The Walking the Landscape process has been completed for a range of Wet Tropics catchments.

To see the detailed Story Map for each catchment, including maps, a catchment overview, management considerations and priority actions, please click on the links to the right.

To view more information on the Priority Actions for each catchment, click on the relevant link below:

Walking the Landscape: Cairns Urban Catchments

Priority Actions
Systems Repair in Lower Cattana Sub-basin (Avondale, Yorkeys, JCU Creeks)
Riparian Corridor Restoration Along Freshwater Creek
Hydrological Study for Cairns Central Swamp
Riparian Replanting of Cairns Urban Creeks
System Repair in Agricultural Landscapes in Southern Trinity Inlet Creeks

Walking the Landscape: Daintree Catchment

Priority Actions
Reconnect Creek Line Riparian Vegetation: Niau, Little Niau and Martin
Control of Pond Apple in Lower Daintree and Cow Bay
Best Management Practice (BMP) Grazing in the Stewart Catchment
Road Sediment Management for Cooper and Tachalbadga Creeks
Investigate Oxbow Lake’s Effectiveness as a Large Scale Natural Treatment System or Bioreactor

Walking the Landscape: Mossman Catchment

Priority Actions
Deliver a BMP Program to Reduce Erosion into Saltwater Creek
Riparian Restoration, Drainage and Wetland Repair in Carson Sub-catchment
Sediment Reduction in Mowbray River
BMP to Reduce Erosion in Cassowary Creek

Walking the Landscape: Mulgrave Catchment

Priority Actions
Rehabilitate and Reinstate Wetlands on Marginal Cane Land in the Mulgrave Catchment
System Repair and Water Quality Treatment in the Fishery and Fig Tree Creek Sub-catchments
Wetland Restoration Between Lower Mulgrave and Malbon Thompson Range
Systems Repair in the Aloomba Bends Vicinity
Continued Rehabilitation of Greenpatch and Adjoining Sections of Mulgrave River

Walking the Landscape: Lower Herbert Catchment

Priority Actions
Rehabilitating Allingham Wetlands  (Mandam, Fullers, Mungana – near Forrest Beach) 
Restoration of Cattle Creek Wetlands and Associated Tributaries (Trebonne, Cattle and Francis Creeks)
Rehabilitating Ripple Creek Wetlands 
Restoration of the Southern Herbert Coastal Waterway Aggregation (Easter Creek south to Byabra Creek)
Stone River Catchment Systems Repair 

Walking the Landscape: Lower Johnstone Catchment

Priority Actions

Management Considerations
Improved Water Quality in the North Johnstone River For more information on the Management Considerations for each section of the Johnstone Catchment, please click on the link to download the map.

Walking the Landscape Johnstone Management Unit Map
Showcasing Landscape-Scale Wetland Restoration
Whole of Catchment Water Quality Improvement – Maria Creek
Reducing Soil Loss – Nerada / East Palmerston
Improved Land Management for Better Water Quality – Liverpool Creek
Reconnecting and Restoring Wetland Systems – Ninds Creek
Practice Change to Protect Wetlands – Moresby

Walking the Landscape: Russell Catchment

Priority Actions

Management Considerations
Fluvial Assessment for Targeted Remediation Options – Mid-Russell River For more information on the Management Considerations for each section of the Russell Catchment, please click on the link to download the map.

Walking the Landscape Russell Management Unit Map
Rehabilitation of Babinda Swamp Drainage System
Investigation of Catchment Repair Options – Babinda Creek
East-West Riparian Connections – Russell River National Park to Bellenden Ker Range
Fluvial Assessment for Riparian Rehabilitation – Russell River (East Russell) 

Walking the Landscape: Tully Catchment

Priority Actions

Management Considerations
Tully Syndicate Catchment Repair Options For more information on the Management Considerations for each section of the Tully Catchment, please click on the link to download the map.

Walking the Landscape Tully Management Unit Map
Integrated, Innovative Treatment Systems – Boar, Brick, Michael Creeks
Banana BMP for Improved Water Quality – Tully Valley
Targeted Community Engagement to Identify Priority Actions – Banyan
Installation and Monitoring of Water Treatment Systems – Davidson Creek
Enhancing Existing Wetlands – Lower Tully
BMP to Reduce Sediment From Bananas – Mission Beach
Walking the Landscape – Murray Catchment

Walking the Landscape: Upper Barron Catchment

Priority Actions
Riparian Restoration – Improving Connectivity Along Peterson and Mazlin Creeks and the Barron River
Erosion Control in Smaller Streams [Spring and Rocky Creeks] in the Upper Barron Catchment
BMP Grazing to Improve Riparian Condition and Water Quality in the Upper Barron Catchment
Taking Control of Weeds in the Upper Barron Catchment
Reducing Gully Erosion in Grazing Lands in the Upper Barron Catchment

Walking the Landscape: Upper Johnstone Catchment

Priority Actions
Reduce Erosion in the Upper Johnstone Catchment
BMP Grazing to Improve Riparian Condition and Water Quality in the Upper Johnstone Catchment
Protecting Unique Wetlands (Bromfield Swamp and Lynches Crater) in the Upper Johnstone Catchment