Develop proactive measures to protect existing habitat, wildlife corridors and plantings from climate change stressors.
Why it is important?
The impacts of climate change will create additional pressure on our ecosystems, which are already facing a range of threats, including tree clearing and weed incursion. Developing practical measures to help mitigate the impacts of climate change on native vegetation will help protect these important areas and their ecological function.
Examples of Local Action
- Review fire risk to wildlife corridors and remnant habitat, promote community education on fire management and develop fire protection plans for critical habitat areas (this action would require involvement from community groups, TRC, QPWS, fire authorities, etc).
- Incorporate traditional fire management knowledge and skills into broader fire management techniques used in the area.
- Conduct research into the species composition and revegetation techniques used in various locations, to maximise resilience of plantings under different future climate conditions.
Contribution to Regional Priority
Collaboratively develop a transparent region-wide agreement on new ‘goals’ and priorities for biodiversity, building in science on climate change.
Local Landscape:
Regional, Southern Tablelands
Regional Theme:
Climate Futures, Biodiversity
National Priorities:
Climate Change Adaptation
Barron, Johnstone