Implement a range of initiatives to support the long term social, cultural and financial health and sustainability of local Indigenous communities.
Why it is important?
Strong TO communities need a strong connection to culture, community and country, across all generations. Involvement in TO cultural practices can instil pride and respect for individuals and the whole community, as well as generating income, providing employment and increasing skills. Collaboration and partnerships between TOs and other stakeholders will help increase understanding of cultural values and increase TO involvement in NRM initiatives on country.
Examples of Local Action
- Producing and selling cultural artwork through local businesses. This would bring multiple benefits – low capital outlay with good financial return, showcasing of culture and skills, provides positive social outcomes, allows elders to pass on knowledge, skills and stories.
- Employ an Indigenous project officer/s through PBCs to work on country, set up Indigenous ranger programs and collaborate with other NRM organisations.
- Set up an Indigenous mums and bubs group. Involving women is vital for any Indigenous community initiative, because young people tend to respect their mothers and aunties.
- Offering cultural tours on country.
- Native food collection and marketing programs.
- Provide opportunities for more Traditional Owner involvement in NRM, resulting in improved sharing of knowledge and collaboration.
Contribution to Regional Priority
Develop and implement a region-wide Cultural Values Communication campaign, to build understanding and respect for cultural values.
Local Landscape:
Southern Tablelands
Regional Theme:
Cultural Connection
Barron, Johnstone