ST: Corridors for Connectivity

Establish corridors to improve connectivity in priority locations (including cross-tenure) to provide biodiversity outcomes.

Why it is important?

Re-establishing vegetation connections through the landscape will provide positive environmental benefits, support wildlife movement and improve sustainability for agricultural systems.

Examples of Local Action

  • Consolidate existing vegetation and planted areas in the Lake Barrine-Lake Eacham corridor.
  • Establish aerial (eg. rope crossings) or vegetated crossings between vegetation patches to minimise barriers and disruption to wildlife movements.
  • Minimise disruptions to wildlife movement from roads by protecting roadside vegetation and installing overpasses and underpasses.
  • Important areas for revegetation include Curtain Fig – Wongabel – Herberton Range.

Contribution to Regional Priority

R-CM 4: Biodiversity Connectivity Strategy
Collaboratively prepare and implement a Biodiversity Connectivity Strategy incorporating latest science on climate change impacts.

Local Landscape:

Southern Tablelands

Regional Theme:



Barron, Johnstone