ST: Soil and Water Conservation

Support landholders to implement a range of soil and water conservation measures, including contour banks, aquifer recharge and grassed drains.

Why it is important?

Landholders require support and trusted technical advice, which is specific to their property and circumstances, to design and implement soil and water conservation measures. These services, traditionally provided by the state government, are no longer readily available for landholders to access, even though many are willing to implement measures. These programs can contribute to healthy and sustainable farming lands, waterways and communities.

Examples of Local Action

  • Install detention basins to improve water infiltration.
  • Maintain existing water detention basins, particularly in areas where soil loss is known to be high (Spring Ck, Hallorans Hill).
  • Provide support to landholders to establish wide, well grassed drainage systems.
  • Implement water conservation programs to manage competing demands and maintain environmental flows.

Contribution to Regional Priority

R-CM 7: Landholder Support Program
Work collaboratively to enhance existing, and develop new, practical and useful extension and knowledge brokering services and products for land managers, covering the wide range of integrated NRM issues affecting, and affected by, land management.

Local Landscape:

Southern Tablelands

Regional Theme:

Sustainable Industries, Water

National Priorities:

Land Management Practices


Barron, Johnstone