Conduct remediation works in targeted priority erosion spots and high risk areas, including stream banks and gullies, to reduce the export of sediments.
Why it is important?
Stabilising areas of erosion can reduce the amount of sediment and nutrient entering waterways, resulting in downstream improvements to water quality, including in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Erosion remediation can also minimise the loss of important topsoil and valuable agricultural land.
Examples of Local Action
- Stabilise actively eroding areas on grazing properties, using various techniques eg. engineering, revegetation.
Contribution to Regional Priority
R-CM 16: Reducing Erosion and Improving Drainage
Stabilise areas of significant erosion in the landscape, using a range of techniques eg. revegetation, maintaining effective farm drains and installing detention basins.
Local Landscape:
Upper Herbert
Regional Theme:
National Priorities:
Land Management Practices