Stabilise creeks and rivers in the Mossman area using engineering and revegetation to prevent sediment loss into waterways.
Why it is important?
Unstable and eroding waterways contribute sediment into local creeks, rivers and coastal systems and result in the loss of valuable topsoil from farms. Stabilising these areas will strengthen the banks and improve resilience, particularly during high flows and flood events. Using revegetation can also improve biodiversity outcomes.
Examples of Local Action
- Ongoing programs for revegetation and stabilisation along Cassowary and Saltwater Creeks, Spring Creek, the Mossman River and other unstable waterways throughout the catchment.
Contribution to Regional Priority
R-CM 16: Reducing Erosion and Improving Drainage
Stabilise areas of significant erosion in the landscape, such as around waterways and agricultural drains, using a range of techniques eg. revegetation, maintaining effective farm drains and installing detention basins.
Local Landscape:
Regional Theme:
Daintree, Mossman