DG: Increasing Cultural Awareness

Focusing on the local Indigenous language, implement a range of initiatives to improve cultural awareness in the Mossman and Daintree area.

Why it is important?

Language is a core feature of Indigenous culture and provides the connection between country and people. Increasing the visibility and use of the Indigenous language can help raise cultural awareness for locals and tourists and help to maintain a connection to culture.

Examples of Local Action

  • Continue the very successful Indigenous language program offered at the Mossman State School and expand to other schools. This program has resulted in improved attendance, increased cultural pride and acceptance and reduced instances of bullying.
  • Install interpretive and locality signs using local Indigenous language names.
  • Continue the development of, and promote involvement in, cultural awareness programs offered by local Traditional Owner-led businesses.

Contribution to Regional Priority

R-TO 4: Cultural Values Marketing
Develop and implement a region-wide Cultural Values Communication and Marketing campaign, to reinvigorate the recognition and appreciation of cultural values and tackle intergenerational understanding of, and respect for, these values.

Local Landscape:


Regional Theme:

Cultural Connection

