Conduct awareness and education campaigns about impacts of waterway pollutants, including sediment, pesticides, herbicides and medications.
Why it is important?
Inappropriate use and disposal of chemicals and medication can affect water quality and result in secondary poisoning of animals. Raising awareness of the impacts of residual or accumulated medication or chemicals in water can reduce effects on wildlife and water quality in freshwater systems and the Great Barrier Reef lagoon.
Examples of Local Action
Conduct water quality monitoring, including pesticide residue testing, in local waterways.
Conduct literature review to improve understanding of effects on non-target species such as native bees.
Investigate alternatives to chemicals, such as steam weeding.
Plant grasses and sedges in stormwater drains to filter sediment and pollutants and encourage water infiltration.
Reduce urban waste and rubbish entering waterways.
Conduct programs to reduce and remove marine debris.