RM: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Conduct restoration to improve resilience of natural and agricultural areas to threats, including climate change.

Why it is important?

Our ecosystems and native wildlife are already at risk from a range of threats, including fragmentation, pests and weeds and now climate change. Restoration can improve resilience to these threats, as well as restore connectivity and expand habitat. Local groups can contribute by using scientific knowledge, applied in local context, to do restoration projects. Climate change has the potential to have profound effects on local communities, natural areas and agricultural industries. Preparing now by identifying and implementing strategies to improve resilience puts us on the front foot.

Examples of Local Action

Restore east-west corridors from the coast to higher altitude areas, to provide opportunities for migration of plants and animals.
Research on adaptive tree species for restoration under changing climatic conditions. Investigate the effect of climate change on revegetation projects and whether certain tree species might be better adapted to changing climatic conditions.

Local Landscape:

Russell and Mulgrave Catchments

Regional Theme:

Climate Futures

National Priorities:

Climate Change Adaptation


Mulgrave, Russell