DG: Grazing Management for Coastal and Wet Areas

Conduct research and prepare extension material investigating sustainable grazing management strategies appropriate to wetter, coastal parts of the region.

Why it is important

Much of the current grazing information and extension advice focuses on drier areas of the region, such as the Upper Herbert and Northern Tablelands. While grazing covers a much smaller area of land in coastal locations, it is still an important part of the farming landscape. More research is needed to further develop strategies suitable for these areas and to extend the information to landholders.

Examples of local action

  • Conduct trials to identify appropriate pasture species (grasses and legumes) for coastal and wet locations eg. Mossman.
  • Identify extension staff with grazing management experience in wet tropical locations and invite them to a group workshop/s in Mossman (eg. Simon Mattson from Soil Land Food – experience with sugar cane and soil health).

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