Spectacled Flying-fox Recovery Team

Spectacled Flying Fox Recovery Team

The Spectacled Flying-fox Recovery Team works with all stakeholders to support conservation and protection of the endangered Spectacled Flying-fox.

Spectacled Flying-fox Recovery Team Membership
• Traditional owners
• Local Councils, State and Australian government agencies
• Regional NRM bodies
• Research organisations
• Landholders or land managers
• Conservation Organisations
• Wildlife Rescue Organisations
• Rainforest regeneration and recovery groups
• Business and Tourism
A current membership list can be obtained at any time from the coordinator.
Email: chair.sffrecovery@gmail.com
Spectacled-flying Fox Recovery Team


The endangered Spectacled Flying-fox currently is found across the Wet Tropics Bioregion from the Iron Range area on Cape York Peninsula through to Ingham, with a patchy distribution as far south as Mackay in central Queensland.

Until recently, there were 75 or so roost sites known to be regularly used as wet season camps. Recent work with citizens across the region, and reviews of old data and reports has identified more than 180 roost sites that are used either regularly or occasionally. Some of the roosts lie in continuous vegetation of rainforest, eucalypt forest and melaleuca forests, but most are isolated remnants, many in urban areas. The median size of the roost vegetation patches is 8 hectares, and they vary in condition from good to poor.

These sites have now been recorded in a database and the extent of all isolated roosts mapped on a Geographic Information System (GIS). The Recovery Team is working to validate all these roosts with the community and experts on the Spectacled Flying-fox. 

The Team will use these records, coupled with mapping of the past, current and potential future high temperature models, to provide a sound basis for planning roost vegetation recovery actions to assist in the recovery of the Spectacled Flying-fox populations.


  1. Climate change/global heating causing potential increase in cyclones and heat stress events, change in timing and availability of food resources
  2. Habitat destruction and fragmentation
  3. Persecution at camps
  4. Disease and abnormalities, namely cleft palate syndrome and tick paralysis
  5. Landscape dangers such as barbed wire fencing, backyard fruit netting and throw-over commercial orchard netting 

Opportunities to Help 

The Spectacled Flying Fox Recovery Team is still operating with very minimal funding and  members are volunteering their time. If you are a funder or Philanthropist, then the team is excited to meet you and share some of the ways that you can support Spectacled Flying-fox Recovery. 

You can volunteer and support the Tolga Bat Hospital, and wildlife carers either giving time or resources to the care of injured or sick. 

Report sightings of Spectacled Flying-foxes online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2C7BMN8. This helps us learn more about the distribution of Spectacled Flying-foxes, so we can prioritise recovery efforts. 

Spectacled Flying-fox Recovery Team Chair: Sera Steves

Email: chair.sffrecovery@gmail.com


Heat and climate change are key threats to Spectacled Flying-foxes.



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