NCC: Information Hub

Develop an information hub, supported by experts and community organisations, to ensure reliable information is easily accessible to all NRM stakeholders.

Why it is Important?

There is a lot of knowledge held within community organisations (eg. JRCMA, JWAL, landcare) and industry groups. It’s important to share this information and ensure it is easily accessible.

NCC: Promotion of Revegetation Activities

Promote successful revegetation projects, to help raise awareness of the benefits of tree planting and increase the number of landholders involved.

Why it is Important?

Documenting and promoting successful revegetation projects can increase the profile of the projects and improve community support. It can also provide a good record of technical aspects for use in other projects, such as vegetation species selection and planting design.

Examples of Local Action

  • Prepare case studies of successful revegetation projects eg. Mulgrave/Russell projects.

NCC: Industry Research and Development

Invest in research and development to improve productivity and natural resource management outcomes for local agricultural industries.

Why it is Important?

Investing in ongoing research and development contributes to the viability of farming industries. There are also strong links between productivity and natural resource management, including in areas like nutrient management and water quality.

Examples of Local Action

Work with the banana industry to identify opportunities to manage nutrients for improved productivity and water quality.

NCC: On-Farm Treatment Systems for Water Quality

Monitor existing on-farm water treatment systems and expand successful technologies to additional locations.

Why it is Important?

There has been significant progress in recent years engaging growers to investigate water quality and establish on-farm water treatment systems. Ongoing monitoring of existing treatment systems will help refine successful approaches, which can be established in other locations. Continuing to engage with landholders, using consistent water quality messaging, will build on existing momentum and help to maintain grower support.

Examples of Local Action

  • Investigate the success of in-drain revegetation and expand this technique to other appropriate areas.

NCC: Large-Scale Revegetation Techniques

Investigate successful techniques for ‘industrial scale’ revegetation projects.

Why it is Important?

Traditional revegetation methods used in the Wet Tropics give good results, but they are costly and labour intensive. With current resourcing, the scale of revegetation is not sufficient to meet the need for landscape scale restoration. Investigating alternative techniques which are less resource-intensive, but still successful in tropical environments, can increase the scale of resoration.

NCC: Regenerative Agriculture and Soil Health

Increase the productive capacity of agricultural land through improved soil health and implementation of regenerative agricultural practices.

Why it is Important?

Using regenerative practices and improving soil health can benefit productivity and the environment. These approaches can also reduce pressure on less productive areas, allowing them to be used for alternative purposes, including restoration for wildlife habitat.

NCC: Native Plant Nurseries

Use existing native plant nurseries and investigate establishing new ones to support restoration work and provide opportunities for local communities.

Why it is Important?

In addition to their value to restoration projects, native plant nurseries can be a driver for local employment and provide a springboard into other industries. There are also great opportunities for Traditional Owner involvement, providing social, cultural and environmental outcomes.

Examples of Local Action

  • Manage staffing, support and utilisation of existing nurseries to ensure their ongoing successful operation.
  • Investigate funding and integration of micro-nurseries.
  • Identify and support ‘champions’ who can help drive local nurseries, as well as manage succession to ensure their ongoing management.

NCC: Riparian Restoration Planning

Build on existing planning processes (such as the JRCMA Johnstone River Restoration Plan) to develop restoration plans for all waterways within the Northern Cassowary Coast (eg. Russell, Tully, Murray, Liverpool, Maria, Hull, Moresby, plus other waterways and tributaries).

Why it is Important?

While there has been significant progress made in developing and implementing restoration plans for some riparian areas, there are many waterways and tributaries where this is still required. Conducting appropriate restoration planning and prioritising can ensure the best use of limited resources and outcomes. It is critical to plan and work using a whole of catchment approach, incorporating an assessment of all waterways.

NCC: Protection of Sacred and Cultural Sites

Identify and protect sites with cultural significance, with leadership from local Traditional Owners and ensuring culturally appropriate protocols are used.

Why it is Important?

Protecting culturally significant sites and acknowledging their importance to local Traditional Owners helps recognise and support their ongoing connection to country and culture. It’s important to note that in some cases, it may not be culturally appropriate to publicly identify sites, so any work should be led by Traditional Owners.

NCC: Waterway Restoration

Conduct riparian restoration along waterways, in accordance with priorities identified in the Johnstone River Management Plans.

Why it is Important?

Comprehensive planning, consultation and prioritising has already been undertaken during the development of the JRMP, identifying actions which deliver significant outcomes eg. Reducing climate change impacts, improved water quality and reef health, involvement of Traditional Owners and the wider community. Conducting waterway resoration in priority areas identified in the plan will help achieve these outcomes.

NCC: Grower Extension for Best Management Practices

Maintain a network of trusted extension staff who can provide growers with reliable, consistent information to support decisions for best management practices.

Why it is Important?

Growers are in the best position to make decisions regarding their business and practices. Providing them with trusted, reliable information and involving them in the entire decision-making process will ensure they have ownership of solutions or changes which are appropriate for their individual circumstances.

Examples of Local Action

  • Provide grant opportunities for growers (eg. 50/50 funding) to support implementing BMP.


NCC: Sustainable Tourism

Support the development of more sustainable tourism ventures, to attract ‘high-end’ environmental tourists.

Why it is Important?

Our local landscape has incredible natural values, with unique wildlife, stunning landscapes and world-renowned coastal reefs and islands. We can promote low-impact, high-value tourism opportunities to showcase these values to the world.

Examples of Local Action

Focus on better online presentation showcasing what our region has to offer.
Target niche market areas, such as birdwatchers.