Community Action

The Southern Tablelands Local Landscape has a number of active and highly effective community groups working to protect, manage and enhance both the natural assets and the production values of the region.  Many long-established groups have developed expertise and skills in their particular areas, with involvement in cutting-edge research and on-ground actions.  Across this landscape, community groups have a strong focus on improving habitat condition and connectivity through regrowth management and revegetation, as well as improving water quality, with groups using a range of techniques to achieve multiple outcomes for the environment, as well as farming communities.

Community Groups


Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands (TREAT)

TREAT members work voluntarily throughout the year with the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service – Restoration Services – Lake Eacham Nursery, raising trees to rebuild the framework of the tropical rainforests of the Atherton and Evelyn Tablelands. TREAT’s motto of the right tree in the right place for the right reason at the right time underpins all its significant revegetation projects.  Since the group’s establishment in 1982, almost half a million seedlings have been propagated and planted.  TREAT volunteers not only plant trees, they design and manage complex projects, supervise and monitor implementation and prepare reports and educational material; they are also involved in a number of other related activities, such as monitoring wildlife populations, studying vegetation changes and running school awareness programmes.

Peterson Creek Wildlife Corridor Continuation and Enhancement

Kick-start Regrowth Acceleration Trial Continuation

Improving Rainforest Replanting Practice in the Wet Tropics

Barron Catchment Care (BCC)

The Barron River system is one of the most heavily used and impacted of all streams in the Wet Tropics.  Barron Catchment Care’s aims of sustainable land use and catchment management strategies implemented through the catchment are only possible through the ongoing efforts of the group’s volunteers and support within the community; success relies on the voluntary actions of individuals and organisations who choose to make their land management practices more sustainable, with the support of the Barron Catchment Care.   With individuals on the group representing a broad range of interest groups (including local councils, rural producers, commerce and industry, urban community, conservation, tourism, education and State agencies), the needs of local communities and the catchments they live in can be considered carefully and acted upon.  Since the group’s formation in 1992, BCC has managed and implemented a range of successful projects, with the group’s main areas of focus including revegetation and habitat restoration, land and water management and community engagement and planning.

Building Mabi Resilience

Upper Spring Creek Catchment Scoping Study

Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group (TKMG)

TKMG is made up of local residents interested in, and concerned for, the conservation of North Queensland’s rich mammal fauna.  The group has a strong focus on the Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo, but other mammals, including Bennett’s Tree Kangaroos, Spotted-tailed Quolls, Musky Rat-kangaroos, Yellow-bellied Gliders, Northern Bettongs and the Black-footed Tree-rat are also often involved in TKMG’s work and projects.  The group was formed in 1997, and has become a strong and active group on the Tablelands. The group’s diversity of membership, including scientists, farmers, teachers, artists and publicans, provides a comprehensive range of views, interests and project ideas.  TKMG’s aims include conserving tree kangaroos and other Far North Queensland mammals by promoting awareness and knowledge of these animals, undertaking and assisting with studies into their habitats and liaising with groups and organisations with similar objectives.

Wildlife in Virtual Reality – a New Way to Educate and Engage

Conservation Volunteers Australia

Conservation Volunteers projects are managed in conjunction with project partners, including regional councils, national parks, museums, landcare groups and conservation departments.  Since 1982, across Australia CVA has helped over 100,000 volunteers connect with nature through volunteering with one of their many partner organisations.  Volunteers come from all walks of life, and almost every country of the world, but one thing they have in common is the great experience of getting outdoors and doing something worthwhile for Australia’s environment.  Many projects on the Tablelands have been supported by CVA volunteers, providing excellent opportunities for sharing knowledge and vital support to achieve on-ground conservation outcomes, as well as providing an interesting chance to promote local environmental work on a global scale.

Southern Atherton Tablelands Improve and Extend Corridor Between Forest Patches

Choorechillum Ngadjon Jii PBC

Choorechillum is the Prescribed Body Corporate representing the Ngadjon people of the Southern Tablelands.  PBCs take care of country, bringing unique experience and reflecting the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture throughout Australia. Many PBC decisions involve land and water management, engaging with government around service delivery, carrying out and maintaining traditional and contemporary land use activities and creating development opportunities and enterprises to improve the wellbeing of their native title communities.

In addition to carrying out their statutory functions relating to Native Title, PBCs enagage in a diverse range of activities on country that include:

  • mining and resource sector agreements
  • land and water conservation partnerships
  • pastoral, agricultural and farming activity
  • research partnerships
  • return to country programs
  • recording and archiving cultural information

The Ngadjon-Jii People’s native title rights have been recognised over national parks and reserves, including parts of the Wooroonooran National Park, Topaz Road National Park, Malanda Falls Conservation Park and two quarry reserves. Under the determination, the Ngadjon-Jii rights include making decisions about the use of the area and protecting and maintaining it, as well as accessing the area to camp, hunt, gather natural resources for personal needs and conduct ceremonies.

Choorechillum Ngadjon-Jii Cultural  and Heritage Landcare management – Terrain Collaborative Project to Educate and Care for Country.